Rose quartz attracts and supports unconditional love and happiness. It is a stone for deepening relationships of any kind. It helps to enhance love for yourself, loved ones, and for all living things.
It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Â
Carrying it in your purse or pocket allows you to connect with its energy when you need it most. If you are feeling sad, lonely, hurt, or angry you can pull out the stone, hold over your heart, and visualize your aura filling with universal love.
Place it near your bed, your desk, or anywhere else that you will see it each day so you have a reminder that universal love is all around you.
Anoint your crystal heart with our Chakra Boost blends for the optimum healing experience. Hold your heart close to your chakra as you declare: “I CHOOSE JOY and compassion”
Includes 1 heart crystal & satin bag.